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Showing posts from November, 2010

Response to the book "Views and Thoughts by R.S. Westeren

I am very happy with the response to my new book "Views and Thoughts by R.S. Westeren". It was my hope that some of the poetry and photography would spark an emotion to the reader and based on the responses I have recieved it seems I was successful. Thank you to all that have purchased the book and for those who have not there is still time to get it for the holidays.

"Views and Thoughts by R.S. Westeren" is now available through Lulu publishing

The long awaited first book by Roger Westeren is now available in both hardback and paperback editions through Lulu publishing. "Views and Thoughts by R.S. Westeren" is the first in a series of coffee table books that look at life froma point of view readers will relate to. Stories of the fight between good and evilm human emotions and nature are exposed int the creative writings and straight forward photography. Evoke Thought - Inspire Emotion - Create Conversation Hardbound Edition Paperback Edition

Filing copyrights

Two days ago I filed my first copyright. I did it as a collection so that I would not have to pay the $35.00 fee for each poem. Now I wait for 6 months until I get my certificate (although I am protected by the copyright laws immediately). So next the book ..... hopefully out in time for this Christmas