Not Norman Rockwell By R. S. Westeren The snow, like a fuzzy white blanket, has tucked in the frozen ground for the evening. Through the frosty window we see the whole family gathered in the living room stuffed from the grand Thanksgiving feast of turkey with all the trimmings. Smoke from his pipe circled Grandfather’s head like a halo, while he rocked slowly in his leather upholstered throne in front of the roaring crackling fire. Grandchildren and great grandchildren sprawled on the musty carpeted floor playing with old toys that they only see this time of year. Uncles, aunts and the cousins are all quietly chatting with each other comparing stories and adventures of the past years activities. The black long haired cat prowls in the corner near the fireplace preparing to attack any unawaring trespasser and the family yellow Labrador is curled up near the fireplace enjoying the warmth from the fire. The first Christmas music is playing on the old radio giving a w...
R.S.Westeren Studio & Gallery
The artistic insights and opinions of Roger Westeren comes to life in this blog.
I Bid You Peace