On April 25th I will be participating in RAW Marvel @ The ACT Night Club in the Palazzo. It will be the first time that I will be presenting a large selection of my photographs. I am actually presenting some of the photographs in poster format! I am hoping all my friends get off their couch that evening, spend the $15 (entry fee) and enjoy not only my art work but the artistic talents of some 17 other artists & performers. This show is 58 years in the making for me and I would love to have all my friends share this with me. Come have a cocktail and lets party! You can get tickets through me or the link below (please buy them under my name so I get credit for you being there!). Thanks Roger Westeren
Evoke Thought-Inspire Emotion-Create Conversation
Shameless Promotion #3
All in all we are handling the stay at home reasonably well. It is not how I expected my first few months of being retired playing out. 2020 has not been a good year so far, with my mother in law passing away in January and now the CORVID19 stay at home orders. So we try to get out of the house every couple days even if its just to run to the post office or to get a couple things from the store. Maggie and I take a walk every couple of days, it/'s good for us to get out. I am spending some time in the backyard working on my gardens and pond. I thought I would share some of my recent garden pictures in this blog: Most of these flowers are around the pond which has come to life this spring.So even when life seems to be challenging the flowers continue to grow and flourish. Maybe we need to be more like the flower and bloom. Until next time... Roger
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