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The Unwilling by R S Westeren

The Unwilling

Rows of houses line up on this city’s block
But not the house you thought to expect
Shelters of cardboard, plastic and paper trying to keep out the cold
Neighbors of crack whores, dealers, today’s living but dead
Some choose this life, other are the unwilling

No worries of investments, no market concerns
The goals of today is to see a tomorrow
Meal time happens where ever there are scraps
A half eaten sandwich makes for a marvelous find
Some choose this life others are the unwilling

Politicians talk about the needs of a city
But solutions are as many as the problems they cause
Tent city neighborhoods, Christian charities outreach
An unlikely brotherhood rises as a street wise phoenix
Some choose this life others are the unwilling

Values must adapt as the situations do change
What once was wrong, Is survival today
Men with badges don’t always serve and protect
Laws and dignity are ideals for the wealthy

Some choose this life others are the unwilling


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