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Showing posts from April, 2013

Bouganvilla by R S Westeren

Minneaolis Bridge by R S Westeren

New To RAWartists?

WARNING:Shameless Self Promoting ahead This message is for those who have not gone to a RAWartists event. For many years now RAWartists events have been going on (Tommy Rockers, The Royal and now The ACT night Club). What RAWartists event is a collection of local artists, designers, musicians and photographers in a evening event that pushes your senses. Fashion shows, live original music, performance art and visual art all in one venue at one time! These events will immerse your senses with excitement. All this for $15! Truly a value! Do I want you to come see my photography - yes of course! But you will get soooo much more. If you buy your tickets I will give you a second ticket FREE (you just email me and tell me whose name you want on the 2nd ticket)

POM POM by R S Westeren

Daisy by R S Westeren

Daisy by R S Westeren